Polly Blog

These 68 Fun Poll Questions Will Make Your Team's Day

Written by Briana Biancolin | May 11, 2022 12:18:52 PM

The best poll questions energize a meeting, which sets the session up for relaxed and joyful communication. Whether the team is new, distributed, or just getting to know each other on a more personal level, fun polls can help cement a bond.

We've taken the guesswork out of finding the best, most fun poll ideas by listing them below and grouping them into easy-to-use categories that will suit everything from team meetings to team off-sites (and everything in between). In this article, we’ll discuss:


How are fun polls different from regular polls?

Fun poll questions are popular because many teams are looking for ways to brighten the workday. This is especially true for distributed teams who may have never met in person.

Regular polls are a reliable way for team members to speak openly on job satisfaction and how the workplace can be better. Regular polls provide an inclusive format for feedback that shapes a modern workplace to better suit its members.

Fun questions focus less on improving systems or processes and more on letting loose and learning more about each other. When done right, funny poll questions can boost engagement, energy, and participation levels.

17 Icebreaker questions

Icebreakers are a fun way to welcome new members to the team while allowing the rest of the team to learn more about each other. Here are some of our favorite icebreaker questions:

  1. If you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  2. What's another language you wish you could speak fluently without studying?
  3. What's the best advice you would give to your teenage self?
  4. What was the worst job you ever had (and what made it so terrible)?
  5. When you were younger, what was your dream job?
  6. Describe your perfect morning.
  7. What's your guilty pleasure TV show?
  8. What's your favorite dad joke?
  9. Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert?
  10.  What's one household staple you refuse to spend less on (example: toilet paper)?
  11.  If you were an ice cream flavor, which flavor would you be and why?
  12.  In your opinion, what crust, toppings, and crispiness constitutes the best pizza?
  13.  What's a superpower you wish you had?
  14.  What's the best thing that you can cook?
  15.  What's a hobby that you have that's a little geeky?
  16.  Which gif best describes your mood today?
  17.  What's the craziest thing a stranger has ever said to you?



7 Multiple-choice poll questions

Multiple-choice questions are a crowd-pleaser because the participants don't have to generate their own answers. 

When participants are able to answer a question without serious thought, this can also be an added benefit to fun polls.

1. If you had to scrap all social media except one, which would you keep?
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • None of them
2. What's one thing you wish you had more of?
  • Money
  • Fame
  • Free time 
  • Something else
3. Which Harry Potter house best describes your values?
  • Gryffindor for bravery
  • Hufflepuff for patience
  • Ravenclaw for wit
  • Slytherin for ambition
4. Which invention from the following list would you eliminate forever from the present, past, and future?
  • Bicycles
  • The Internet
  • 3D printers
  • Heated swimming pools
5. Which of these movies is the most overrated:
  • Titanic
  • Citizen Kane
  • Fight Club
  • Top Gun
  • Something else
6. If you had to pick one genre of music to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be:
  • Golden oldies
  • Classical
  • Metal
  • Hip hop
  • Country
  • Something else
7. Who's the funniest comedian?
  • Jim Carrey
  • Ricky Gervais
  • Ali Wong
  • Joan Rivers
  • Someone else


13 this-or-that questions

This-or-that questions are easy to breeze through during fun polls and casual enough that you can even add them to shorter meetings.

  1. Waffles or pancakes?
  2. Emojis or gifs?
  3. Spiders or snakes?
  4. Loud talker or a noisy eater?
  5. Plane or train?
  6. Hike or swim?
  7. Vacation or staycation?
  8.  Laundry or dishes?
  9.  Shower or bath?
  10.  Save or spend?
  11.  Early or late?
  12.  Park bench or picnic table?
  13.  Superman or Spiderman?


9 Would you rather questions for fun polls

Would you rather is a great way to invoke spirited discussion and works similarly to this or that questions in that they're easy to answer but mainly trend towards zany or unusual scenarios.

  1. Would you rather spend a night in the most luxurious hotel room that money can buy or a week at your favorite bed and breakfast?
  2. Would you rather ride around town on an elephant or an alpaca?
  3. Would you rather have to sing everything you say or whisper everything you say?
  4. Would you rather every family gathering was a water fight or food fight?
  5. Would you rather have to crawl for the rest of your life or carry another human on your back every weekend?
  6. Would you rather be able to talk with animals or know all the world's languages?
  7. Would you rather live in a treehouse or in an underwater bunker with views of the ocean floor?
  8. Would you rather be able to move objects with your mind or have the ability to temporarily mute annoying people in real life?
  9. Would you rather travel for a year to anywhere you want with all the expenses paid or have $100K to spend with no strings attached?


12 Deep but fun poll questions

 Using some thought-provoking questions during your fun polls can help teams to connect more quickly since they go beneath the surface of other types of fun questions.

  1. What's the best part about being human in this era?
  2. What was your last act of random kindness?
  3. Which other country would you like to live in for a year?
  4. What's the hardest thing you've had to do this year?
  5. What's the best advice you've received, who did it come from, and how has it helped you?
  6. What's something you're so good at that you could teach it to someone else?
  7. What is your most consistent source of daily joy?
  8. What was the last movie that made you cry?
  9. When was the last time you sent a handwritten thank-you card, and who was it for?
  10.  What's the weirdest or most realistic dream you've had?
  11.  Describe your favorite childhood memory.
  12.  What's a small habit you do that significantly changed your life?


10 Hot takes to bring the heat

Expressing your point of view or opinion can feel like a courageous act when in the workplace. 

Polly helps teams to flex that muscle in a fun way. Hot takes get the team to spark opinionated conversations with Hot Takes like:

  1. Airplanes aren’t safer than cars, there’s just fewer of them.
  2. Nothing beats a savory breakfast.
  3. Cats make better pets than dogs.
  4. A hamburger isn’t a sandwich.
  5. I’d give up my lease to be a digital nomad for a year.
  6. Iron Man is the most underrated superhero.
  7. Flossing daily is overrated.
  8. Socks and sandals are like oil and water: they should always be kept seperate.
  9. Valentine's Day is hands-down the best holiday.
  10.  I’ll skip cake any day for a great slice of pie.

Using Hot Takes in Slack couldn’t be easier, just navigate to the shortcuts section, select the Polly app and a pop-up will appear. Shuffle through the randomized questions until you find one that’s right for your team and watch the votes pour in! You can also create your own weekly pollys using one of our templates.  

Use Polly to send fun polls your team will engage with

Employee engagement key for all organizations, yet one of the most difficult to maintain among distributed teams.

Poll questions make meetings more fun and help coworkers laugh and connect. Since many teams may not have met in real life, it can help to incorporate lighthearted and fun polls that bring smiles to everyone's faces.

Use the questions above (or your variation) to get started, or else you can easily add Polly into the mix. Our engagement app makes it super simple to quickly generate poll questions for every possible scenario. This includes trivia and hot takes with questions that can be customized and randomized for added fun before team meetings, stand-ups, all hands, or just because. 

Learn more about how Polly provides an inclusive place for interactive engagement where team members can share and see responses in real-time without leaving Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or their comfy pants.


Try Polly for free to instantly improve your employee engagement.