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Polly Link Sharing and Web Voting

Learn how the polly creators can generate links for their pollys and share them across workspaces or over emails while giving a boost to the response rates.

Want responses to your pollys from non - Slack users or users in a different workspace? Web Voting solves these problems 🎉 

What is Web Voting

Polly web voting in Slack allows the polly creators/authors to collect responses from anyone and everyone, regardless of a Slack account.

Problems it solves

  1. Increases response rate. Earlier people not having a Slack ID or in a different workspace or channel could not respond to pollys because only those could respond to it who were in that particular channel. 
  2. Reduces the burden of responsibility on the author for increasing the response rate as now the link can be shared in an email, message etc. Anyone can click on the link and respond to the polly

How to set up (for polly creators)

  1. Create a polly 
  2. After clicking on Submit, a screen will appear (screenshot below). Click on Create Link 
    Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 1.02.06 AM
  3. A link will be visible, copy the clickable link and so you can easily share/paste it 
  4. When the participants click on the link, they will be directed to a web page whereby they can respond to the polly

    Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 1.09.35 AM

✏️Note: Every polly you create has a unique link but editing a polly does not change the link i.e. even if you later edit the polly, the link remains the same. 


If you forgot to copy the Polly URL at the time of creation, you can access it later as well as below:

  1. Go to the web app
  2. Open the polly
  3. Click on Controls & select Web voting URL

    Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 1.32.02 AM
  4. A link will be visible, click on Copy so you can easily share/paste the URL
    Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 1.36.53 AM


💡If you want to create a polly strictly for web voting & not send it in channel/DM, then just add yourself in the audience! This is a workaround as you won't be able to create a polly without adding anyone in the audience

How to respond (for polly respondents)

  1. Click on the polly link shared by the polly author
  2. It will redirect you to the web page which shows you:
    1. Polly name/title, author name, open & close date
    2. The option to select how you want to respond to the polly i.e. anonymous or non-anonymous. You can add your name in the "Responding as" section. Whatever you enter should be saved for the next time you respond to a polly using the same device. If the question has been set by the host to Anonymous, then you will not see the "Responding as:" section.
    3. New users will be asked for their name and email (optional) after responding to the polly. If they are a returning user on the same device, their entered name will be pre-loaded, but can be edited at any time. They can even choose to go back and edit their name after submitting their response if wanted but they can't go back to Guest user. The respondents will be able to see their own vote on the web but not the votes of other respondents.
Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 1.18.10 AM


✏️Note: This link sharing and web voting feature is primarily intended for those users who are not on Slack or not in that workspace or channel. For respondents who are part of the Audience you have selected, their in-app experience while responding to pollys remains unchanged. More details on that can be found here 

Viewing Results

Unlike the in-app experience, the results will not be visible to the respondents in real time while voting through the web. They will be visible real time to the respondents who vote within the Slack app (if that is the setting selected by the polly author). On the other hand, the polly sender will have access to the real-time results within the web app.

💡 The polly link generated is unauthenticated which means that it can be copied, shared and consequently responded by anyone who has the link. This allows for non-Slack users to vote or respond to the polly as well 

If your respondents are a combination of web voters and within Slack voters then your results display will look something like the below i.e. the web responders will have (web) written next to their name

Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 1.29.51 AM


✏️Note: Currently 2 polly question types are not available on web voting; Point Allocation & Rank Order. If your polly includes these question types then the Slack respondents will be able to respond to them but the web respondents will not see these questions. They will see the other question types on the web & will be able to respond to them. Similarly, while Hot Takes are available, Trivia & Employee Awards are also not supported for web voting