A lightweight pulse survey of rotating questions to gauge your team's morale and happiness.
With this template, every couple of weeks employees will get a single employee engagement question to get a better understanding of how happy, fulfilled, challenged, and dedicated your employees are.
Track what factors affect your employees' happiness and use these insights to improve your company culture. Engaged employees mean that they're more fulfilled, more motivated, and are more productive.
Easily modify the frequency of questions to every week, every 2 weeks, or every month. Advanced tiers are able to benchmark how they stand compared to the hundreds of other teams using this exact survey.
- I am happy at work.
- I am satisfied with the career advancement opportunities available to me.
- I trust my coworkers.
- I believe in my company's mission.
- I receive valuable feedback on my work that helps me improve.
- My accomplishments are recognized by others.
- What's the one thing you would change about this company?
- My organization is dedicated to my well-being and professional development.
- For the most part, my job takes advantage of my strengths.
- I am enthusiastic about the work that I do for my team and am enabled to do my best work.
- I feel valued by my coworkers and manager(s).
- I know what is expected of me at work.
- I would recommend this company to friends & family as a great place to work.
- Do you have any general feedback for the company?